Do Men and Women Suffer Addiction Differently? 

After checking out drug rehab facilities, you may have started wondering whether men and women suffer addiction differently. You may have even noticed that there were more men than women, or women than men, in particular facilities. So, do they suffer addiction differently? Read on to find out.

What the Studies Showed (and Show)

For several years, bordering on decades, addiction research only tapped into how addictions affected men. They were the only study participants in most studies, which means the results of those studies may have been medically biased towards men.

However, by the time the 1990s rolled around, the testing requirements were changing. Many United States organisations even demanded that women be included as study participants. After all, they, too, could become addicts of various substances.

Since men and women both became included in studies, researchers discovered some quite interesting things. Firstly, they found that men were more likely to abuse alcohol and illicit drugs. In those studies, 11.5 percent of men over the age of 12 use drugs. Only 6.4% of females did.

In saying that, women were more likely to require emergency room care or overdose from their substance abuse.


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