Health Conditions That Can Affect Your Suitability For Dental Implants

Dental implants are a solution to lost and damaged teeth for lots of people and the benefits of them are plentiful. Whether it be to restore confidence as their appearance is improved, or simply so that they can eat properly again, these are just two of the many reasons people opt for dental implants over the other options available.

With regards to suitability, the vast majority of those who want dental implants will be able to have them fitted, however, that unfortunately does not apply to everyone. The successful fitting and use of dental implants require the patient’s jawbone to be in good condition with regards to its strength and density. This is to ensure that any titanium inserts can fuse with it and be embedded securely so that the dental implants have the expected longevity.

Sadly, there are some medical conditions that can cause the density of bones, which includes the jawbone, to be compromised, and as such it could be that the condition of the jawbone does not lend itself to having the necessary inserts embedded in it.


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Is Cataract Surgery Always Successful?

If you have bad eyes, you might be considering cataract surgery to improve your sight. Although it’s an extremely common procedure, the chances are that you’re worried about potential complications that could occur as a result of it.

With this in mind, we decided to put this short article together to outline the risks, benefits, and overall success rate of cataract surgery. As always, this is meant as advice only, and you should always seek a professional opinion on the matter.

But, before we jump into the overall success rate of cataract surgery, let’s have a quick look at what it is and why it’s useful.

What Is Cataract Surgery?

To put it simply, cataract surgery is a procedure which involves removing the damaged lense of your eye and replacing it with an artificial one. As you age, your eye’s natural lenses become cloudy and damaged, which can cause your vision to become cloudy. At the same time, cataracts can affect your daily activities, making basic activities like driving and reading difficult.

Luckily, this is fixable. Usually, people don’t have cataract surgery until their vision is seriously affected, but the good thing is that most people make a full recovery post surgery.


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What is Invisalign and How Does it Work?

Braces are – or at least used to be – an extremely popular method of straightening crooked or damaged teeth to give you a perfect smile. While they work, traditional braces are extremely obvious, they require countless trips to the dentist or orthodontist, and they are generally pretty expensive.

Invisalign technology is a new, more modern form of braces. Invisalign is also designed to help straighten crooked teeth, but they are much more inconspicuous and more convenient. They can be fitted and maintained by a standard dentist, and anyone can use them!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is basically a more modern, more convenient alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are designed to straighten your teeth without a lot of pain or discomfort. They are basically small, virtually invisible plastic mouthpieces which are fitted to straighten your teeth. Each aligner is used for a couple of weeks, and then you move onto the next one. Each aligner is slightly straighter than the last, which means that your teeth will gradually be pulled into place.


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5 Physical Health Benefits Of Axe Throwing

The main reasons why you might participate in axe throwing with family, friends or work colleagues could be the fun and enjoyment that it provides, and we dare say that for many others, that will be the case too. However, given the way in which an axe is thrown, it is also true that axe throwing can provide several benefits for your physical health and overall well-being.

Now, we are not suggesting for a moment that axe throwing is at the same level as jogging, gymnastics, weight training, or yoga when it comes to enhancing your physique, stamina, and suppleness. However, there are several ways that axe throwing can contribute positively to your physical health, and below, you will see that we have highlighted five different ways that it can do so.

Physical Health Benefit #1 – Building Strength And Endurance

If you have ever tried to throw an axe, you will know that it is a heavy object. That weight feels even greater when you have to pull the axe back and then launch it towards your target. The effort required for that action, especially several times during your axe throwing session, is a great boost to your strength as each throw requires working several muscles in your arms, legs, torso, and shoulders. Your endurance is also enhanced, meaning you feel less fatigued after multiple throws.


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Toys That Speech Pathology Experts Recommend For Speech Delayed Children

One key resource that is used in the field of speech pathology that speech therapists use is toys. We all know that toys play a crucial role in the development of all children, and such is their impact on us, that even as adults we retain that love of playing. As for how toys can help children in speech therapy, many ways exist as to how it can be achieved, but some caveats should be observed.

Now, you might be thinking surely all toys are great for children, and assuming they are safe then that is a reasonable point. However, when it comes to speech pathology and helping children who have speech and language difficulties, more thought is required concerning what toys are used. Outlined below are some examples which have been given by speech pathologists of how and what toys should and should not be used.

‘Open Ended’ Toys: Open-ended toys are those which are timeless in the sense that they have no definitive beginning or end. One example would be building blocks which can be used in any way that the child wishes versus a jigsaw which has a defined end when it is complete. The key principle here is that by being open-ended, the child has greater creative freedom to use them and play with them in any way they wish.


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5 Benefits of Sleep Dentistry

For some people, the fear of the dentist can be enough to stop you going. While this might be suitable for some months, long-term it can have some severe effects on your oral health. Most dentists recommend having a check-up at least twice a year, and this gives ample time to pick up any problems that could turn into more significant issues without treatment. If you aren’t attending twice-yearly appointments, those small, niggly irritants are bound to grow exponentially bigger.

If you’re one of the one in six Australian adults who suffer from dental anxiety, then sleep dentistry or sedation dentistry, could be for you. Your dentist will put you under a general anaesthetic while they complete your dental work, and you can wake up having never felt any pain or experienced any anxiety. If you believe sleep dentistry could be for you, read on for the many benefits.

1. The dentist can complete the work quicker
If you’re particularly anxious about seeing a dentist, the entire process can take longer. Your dentist checks on how you’re feeling, takes breaks when you need it, and tries to make the process as relaxing as possible. However, if you’re anxious, you may also be prone to fidgeting, and this too can draw out the process. By opting for sedation, your dentist can make quick work of your dental procedure, allowing you to be out and on your way in no time.

2. You don’t feel pain
Aside from caring for your teeth, a dentist’s job is to help you feel as relaxed, with as minimal pain, as possible. With most dental work, however, there can be discomfort felt in both your teeth and gums and no matter how minimal, some people prefer not to feel it at all. From the most straightforward procedure to the most complex, you will feel no pain while you are sedated.


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Healthy Aging with Natural Collagen

We all know the term ‘aging gracefully’. However, the social pressures on us to look younger for longer are high. There are lots of expensive cosmetics, surgical procedures and miracle cures out there claiming to smooth the skin, rub away those wrinkles or reverse aging but what goes into these cures isn’t always safe, can be full of toxins and even painful. So are there any natural solutions to healthy aging?

The first thing we need to understand is how we age. Collagen is a protein found in our connective tissues with approximately 75% in our skin and around 30% in our bodies such as cartilage and tendons. Although there are four types of collagen found in our bodies, it is Type I that is associated with aging as it is present in our skin, ligaments and bones. Type I collagen helps to provide the firmness and elasticity in our skin but as we get older collagen production declines causing joint pain, sagging skin and wrinkles! Lifestyle factors also play their part – smoking, too much sun exposure and diets high in sugar all contribute to lowering collagen levels.

Collagen is made up of 19 different amino acids with the most important amino acids lysine, proline, glycine and glutamine. To keep your skin supple and firm and your joints in good condition we need to increase the collagen in our diet. The good news is we can get these essential nutrients needed for collagen production from food and natural supplement sources.

Fresh foods

Chicken and meat are rich sources amino acids lysine and proline. Fish provides glycine and proline. Eggs also contain mostly Type 1 collagen. Wheat germ is a plant based source of proline. Orange coloured vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A which helps to restore and regenerate collagen. Berries such as raspberries and blueberries help to scavenge free radicals which cause aging skin whilst helping to increase collagen levels. Lycopene found in red veggies like tomatoes and beetroot also boosts collagen.


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Why it’s cool to drink herbal tea!

We all know how cool it is to drink coffee – caramel mocha espresso with double shot anyone? But did you know it’s now hip to be a connoisseur of herbal tea?

Herbal tea is not the drab boring tastes-like-grass concoction it once was. Sure, if you want a good therapeutic dose of a specific herb that’s the way to go. Not so tasty but with amazing health benefits.

But nowdays there is a beautiful range of tasty AND good for you herbal teas. Traditional herbs are paired with fruits and berries to give a taste sensation. Get your therapeutic benefits of digestive support or relaxation and sleep whilst sipping a cup of hot delicious tea. Look out for certified organic and fair trade herbal teas. Most good brands will also have unbleached tea bags too.

Did you know that herbal tea isn’t actually ‘tea’? Tea is from a specific tea plant such as black or white tea. Herbal teas are an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark. Herbal teas are sometimes known as tisanes which means an infusion of herbs, spices or other plants in hot water.


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Benefits of Using a Stationary Bike

Most people who decide they want to work on their health and fitness will be trying to find the most effective methods possible. After all, time is precious, and the more calories you can burn in a shorter period, the faster you can get onto something else.

That’s why more and more people see the value in a stationary cycle. You don’t have to leave the house, but you also get to work on your fitness at the same time. Read on to discover why it might be time to clear a space in your home for such exercise equipment.

It Can Help You to Burn Body Fat

Getting fit and healthy can have the bonus of helping you to burn body fat, and a stationary cycle can help. When you work out at a high intensity on a bike, you can burn calories while building strength. The result? Fat loss. In some instances, you may be able to burn as much as 600 calories with one hour of use.

Many studies over the years have shown the value of eating well and accompanying it with a fitness routine. If you are ready to work on yourself to feel and look better, then a stationary bicycle may be an excellent place to start.


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Why Sleep Dentistry Could Work for You

Sleep dentistry, or sedation dentistry, is when your dentist administers drugs to make you relaxed or asleep for your dental care. They may offer nitrous oxide to relax you, or oral sedatives to make you less anxious. If you would prefer to go to sleep completely, an IV drug can put you into a deep sleep.

Dental O So Gentle advise that sleep dentistry is not right for everyone, but it could be right for you. Read on to discover the many reasons why some people prefer this method for oral care.

You Have a Phobia

Dental phobias are more common than you think, with at least 20 percent of Australians putting off a dentist visit due to fear. As many as 85 percent of people also feel nervous or anxious before their dental check-up. If you have a genuine phobia or anxiety of the dentist, then sleep dentistry could be for you. Talk to your local dentist about the best way to approach your next check-up.

You’ve Had Past Bad Experiences

Unfortunately, accidents can happen. These may not only be traumatic at the time but make you less likely to see your dentist in the future. If you’re experiencing anxiety at the very thought of going for a check-up, then sleep dentistry may be for you. Your dentist might recommend nitrous oxide or an oral sedative to keep you calm.


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