How to Conceal Skin Imperfections

From breakouts to puffy eyes, under-eye circles to cold sores, there are so many ways in which our skin causes us problems. While it’s nature’s way of telling us we’re not doing something we’re supposed to, it would be far more preferred if it gave us signs in less obvious ways.

However, if you’re suffering from puffy eyes or dark under-eye circles from a lack of sleep or an acne breakout from a poor diet or stress, you’ll find it’s not quite the end of the world. Makeup becomes your knight in shining armour, ready to hide those skin imperfections so that no one knows they even existed. Here’s how.

Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes mean you have excess fluid in the connective tissue around your eye. Typically, it’s caused by crying, trauma, or even a lack of sleep. While it looks like it’s there to stay, there are ways in which to give it its marching orders. Firstly, you will need to invest in a smoothing eye gel that both firms your skin and minimises swelling. It’s also helpful to purchase a highlighting pen. These are available in most makeup departments, so just ask the staff.

After storing the gel in the fridge to keep it cool, apply it to your puffy skin and let the coolness work its magic. It aims to reduce the swelling in no time. Then, using the highlighting pen, run it along underneath the hopefully now reduced puffiness around your eyes. While it’s a trick of the light, it does work by deflecting attention away from this area.


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What Sort Of Website Should Your Day Spa Have Created?

In the age of the internet every business, including your day spa needs to have a website. It also needs to be a website that helps increase the number of new clients you gain from your online marketing. The website design experts at advise that there are several key functions that a website must perform in order for it to be effective, so let us examine the ones they suggest.

Explain Your Products And Services Fully And Clearly

The quickest way to lose a prospect is to confuse them, and yet we see many websites that make what is being offered sound complicated. Presumably, your day spa offers a number of products and services, and so your website needs to have the details of them, especially the ones you want to promote the most.

Make the explanation as detailed as it needs to be to explain your offers, but do not assume that each prospective customer is going to know all the terminology that you use within the day spa industry, so keep the language simple and easy to understand.

Your Website Must be Easy To Navigate

Many of the people landing on your website will be doing so for the first time, so you want to ensure there is no risk of them becoming confused as that is the quickest way to have them click away.

As well as the layout of your website looking clean and uncluttered, the navigation of it should be simple too. Have a menu on each page so that the visitor can click to whichever section they want to and have a ‘Home’ button on every page.


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Do Men and Women Suffer Addiction Differently? 

After checking out drug rehab facilities, you may have started wondering whether men and women suffer addiction differently. You may have even noticed that there were more men than women, or women than men, in particular facilities. So, do they suffer addiction differently? Read on to find out.

What the Studies Showed (and Show)

For several years, bordering on decades, addiction research only tapped into how addictions affected men. They were the only study participants in most studies, which means the results of those studies may have been medically biased towards men.

However, by the time the 1990s rolled around, the testing requirements were changing. Many United States organisations even demanded that women be included as study participants. After all, they, too, could become addicts of various substances.

Since men and women both became included in studies, researchers discovered some quite interesting things. Firstly, they found that men were more likely to abuse alcohol and illicit drugs. In those studies, 11.5 percent of men over the age of 12 use drugs. Only 6.4% of females did.

In saying that, women were more likely to require emergency room care or overdose from their substance abuse.


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Why Satin Robes Make the Perfect Bridesmaid Gifts

As your big day looms ever closer, it’s essential to begin thinking about what bridesmaids gifts you will be ordering for the special ladies in your life.  After all, they have put in a significant number of hours to help your day become a success, and without them, your wedding wouldn’t be nearly as stress-free it’s going to be.

A simple search online will see you looking at ever-popular bridesmaids gifts such as satin robes. While they aren’t something you would typically gift friends and family, they are a valid option for a wedding situation. Here’s why.

You Can Customise Them

It can seem a little cheap to head into the city and buy five of the same bridesmaids gifts. The same way a personalised santa sack feels more special for children, a personalised bridesmaid robe does too. In fact, it can even appear as if you spent no time at all sourcing them. However, if you buy bridesmaid robes, you can order them with customisation, so your bridesmaids know you put a lot of thought and effort into them. You can get wording such as “maid of honour” or even their names and the date of the wedding. While the customisation process – and the robes – are affordable, they appear special, unique, and luxurious.

They Look Stunning in Pre-Wedding Photos

If you have booked the full wedding photography package which includes “getting ready” photos, then satin robes are going to look the part. If all your girls are dressed in their robes preparing for the wedding, these can make some excellent shots. What’s more, these pre-wedding sessions are often where a lot of memories are made. Therefore, you can look back on them in the years to come, having a slight chuckle over what happened during those moments.


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Acne as an Adult? Here’s Why

You may think that acne is a teenage condition and one you grow out of when you become an adult. While most people do, sometimes it comes back with a vengeance – but why? There are many reasons, including using toxic products over organic skin care products. Find out below so you can tackle the problem sooner rather than later.

Using Damaging Skin Care and Hair Products

Unfortunately, the market is full of harmful products that we put on our skin and hair every day. While they might be all you’re used to or all you know, did you know they can be quite damaging? Some hair and skin care products can clog your pores, leading to breakouts you haven’t seen since you were a teenager!

Where possible, opt for organic skin care products, or products that are oil-free, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic.

Hormone Fluctuation

Even a slight imbalance in your hormone levels can see your body go into panic mode, producing acne and inflamed pimples. Usually, women get acne more than men do and, when relating to hormones, tends to happen due to pregnancy, menopause, and periods. You may also experience breakouts during a change in your birth control pill. While organic skin care products can go a long way toward helping you deal with the problem, it can’t fix your hormonal levels.


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Wearing a Suit in Business

Even though dress codes are starting to relax in business, there are still unwritten rules regarding what is acceptable and what is not.

Every businessman and woman wants to look their best. Many women do this by getting Botox injections to keep those wrinkles at bay and present a more youthful image. While this may work for them, any advantage is negated unless they also dress correctly. Depending on what work environment you work in, the dress code may vary.

Studies have shown that wearing a suit in business offers several advantages: –

  • People tend to look up to someone dressed in a suit because they expect them to have the skills and education needed for the job.
  • A suit denotes authority, so people think of someone dressed in a suit as a person in authority over them.
  • Men who wear suits have been found to do better in negotiation because they are looked up to.
  • Women who dress well in suits are given better service and respect.
  • People who dress well feel good about themselves, so they do better at work.
  • People who don’t wear suits tend to defer to those that do.

While we would all like to think there is no class distinction in society, it is still alive and kicking. It seems hardwired into our brains that people who dress well – in suits – form the upper echelons of society, while those who habitually dress in sweats and T-shirts belong to the lower classes.


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5 Natural Anti-Depressants

Not every case of depression is going to warrant or require anti-depressants. While seeing your GP is recommended for seeking help when you need it, be aware that there are many natural products available that may be able to help you through a particularly dark patch in your life. When you see your GP for depression-related symptoms, ask if the following five natural products may benefit you.

1. St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is a tricky herbal supplement because there are so many rules and regulations associated with its use. While it’s a common method of treatment for depression in Europe, it’s not approved in the US. However, some people find it has been beneficial for the treatment of mild to medium levels of depression.

Even though its benefits may be far-reaching for some, it comes with just as many health warnings. It should not be taken by those who are already using anti-depression medication, or those on HIV or AIDS medication, birth control, chemotherapy treatment, blood thinning drugs, or by those who have received an organ transplant.

2. Exercise
While it’s not a herbal remedy or something you can buy in a bottle or pick from a plant, it is a valid anti-depressant. Exercise can deliver more oxygen to your brain for better brain and physical health, while also encouraging better connectivity in the brain. What’s more, it targets the same neurotransmitters as anti-depressants do, regulating them and helping with depression. Where possible, try to exercise outdoors.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Waist Trainers

More and more people are discovering waist trainers on a daily basis. However, with so much information to rifle through, it can be challenging to learn all you need to know about waist trainers while avoiding everything you don’t need to know. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions about waist trainers. In just one article, you may find everything you need to know to make the right purchasing decision.

What Is A Waist Trainer?

A waist trainer is a garment that’s primary purpose is to reshape and slim your waist. It has several names aside from waist trainer, such as cincher, trimmer, shaper, corset, or girdle. A waist trainer adheres to your midsection with clasps and is typically made out of natural latex. Those who wear a waist trainer do so to flatten their stomach, accentuate their curves, benefit from better posture and get more support in their bust area.

How Do Waist Trainers Work?

Waist trainers tend to work differently, depending on the type of material as well as the trainer you buy. Most latex waist trainers flatten your stomach area, heat the area while you’re exercising to promote increased sweat and help accentuate your curves as well. Typically, you start on the loosest setting before slowly working your way inwards to the last setting as your body shape changes.


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