Why Sleep Dentistry Could Work for You

Sleep dentistry, or sedation dentistry, is when your dentist administers drugs to make you relaxed or asleep for your dental care. They may offer nitrous oxide to relax you, or oral sedatives to make you less anxious. If you would prefer to go to sleep completely, an IV drug can put you into a deep sleep.

Dental O So Gentle advise that sleep dentistry is not right for everyone, but it could be right for you. Read on to discover the many reasons why some people prefer this method for oral care.

You Have a Phobia

Dental phobias are more common than you think, with at least 20 percent of Australians putting off a dentist visit due to fear. As many as 85 percent of people also feel nervous or anxious before their dental check-up. If you have a genuine phobia or anxiety of the dentist, then sleep dentistry could be for you. Talk to your local dentist about the best way to approach your next check-up.

You’ve Had Past Bad Experiences

Unfortunately, accidents can happen. These may not only be traumatic at the time but make you less likely to see your dentist in the future. If you’re experiencing anxiety at the very thought of going for a check-up, then sleep dentistry may be for you. Your dentist might recommend nitrous oxide or an oral sedative to keep you calm.

You’ve Got an Anxiety Disorder

Sometimes, anxiety is not limited to dentists, but many different situations. When you make your appointment, talk to your dentist about your needs. They can not only promote sleep dentistry but put your mind at ease that everything will go off without a hitch.

You Have Sensitive Oral Nerves

For someone with sensitive nerves, having a dentist poking and prodding in their mouth can be exceptionally uncomfortable. In these cases, your dentist might recommend an IV drug to put you to sleep for your treatment. You can then wake up, head home, and rest up with your dental needs now taken care of.

You Have a Small Mouth

Dentists need full access to your mouth during your check-up and treatment. They need it to remain open while they work, but not everyone feels comfortable during this process. If you have a small mouth that becomes sore during dental treatment, then sleep dentistry could be something your dentist recommends. You can talk to them on the phone about it when you make your appointment.

Sleep dentistry is not a necessity for everyone, but it can be helpful for those who don’t find a dental environment to be the most comfortable. If you suffer from anxiety or fear, then talk to your dentist about it. They can walk you through the entire process, as well as what sleep dentistry techniques might work for you.